The Man Church: What is it, and how can your church use it as a strategy to disciple men?
Your State Board of Missions recently partnered with Burgess Ministries and Iron Hill Press to host a webinar to explain the men’s discipleship strategy behind The Man Church, which was started at Shades Mountain Baptist Church in Birmingham.
You can view the webinar video and hear more about a simple plan for growing men from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity. Learn about resources available to help you begin a vibrant men’s ministry in your church. Featured in the webinar are Rick Burgess, Andy Blanks, Michael Helms and State Missionary Larry Hyche.
Click here for the webinar transcript, including the Q&A with Rick Burgess and Andy Blanks.
For more information about Man Church, click here. For more information about developing a men’s discipleship strategy for your Alabama Baptist church, please contact State Missionary Larry Hyche at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 268, or (334) 613-2268,