
Need Inspiration for Discipling Men?

What do you have planned for your men this year? If you need help putting together local gatherings, men’s retreats, family conferences, father/son events or any type of activity aimed at reaching and discipling men maybe we can assist you.

Recently we met with men’s ministry leaders from around our state and asked a simple question, “What’s working in your area when it comes to discipling men?”

We then asked for details spanning ten different aspects of men’s ministry:

  • guest speakers.
  • outreach events.
  • books and studies.
  • retreat centers.
  • online resources (podcasts, videos, etc.).
  • events and conferences for men.
  • family events.
  • fun stuff.
  • men’s ministry strategies.
  • miscellaneous recommendations.

It quickly became clear that there is no shortage of ministry ideas and that the Lord is doing some amazing things in our state to bring men to Himself.

We received a treasure trove of men’s ministry ideas. From local pastors who are gifted men’s event speakers to game ideas that bridge generation gaps, we heard a wide gamut of ideas that are effectively being used. And we would love nothing more than to pass this information along to you.

If you are stuck looking for how to inspire your men to grow in their walk with God, maybe one of these recommendations will unlock a life-changing idea for your group.

Don’t worry. This is not a gimmick, and there’s no sales pitch attached to this offer. Operators and telemarketers are not standing by.

You can either click here to download it from our website, or email our office at [email protected] and request the “Swap Shop Ideas.” We will gladly email the list to you.

Once you receive the information, please let us know if you have any questions or need help in planning your event. That’s why we’re here. We want to help you fulfill your call to disciple the men in your area.

We hope to hear from you soon.

State Missionary Larry Hyche’s ministry is made possible by the gifts of Alabama Baptists through the Cooperative Program. He may be contacted at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 1268, or (334) 613-2268, [email protected].

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