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Group of students sitting in auditorium listening to speaker Jamie Dew at Called Conference

Called conference helps students pursue future in ministry ‘from ground level’

Jamie Dew said for him, everything changed the night of June 16, 1995, when he was at a Centrifuge camp.

“The night I came to Jesus, I knew two things,” he said. “Number one was that I was home in Jesus, and number two that I was going to spend the rest of my life doing this.”

He didn’t know what “this” meant at the time, other than some kind of ministry — and he definitely never pictured his current role as president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dew told the 128 high school and college students present at the Called conference Aug. 5 at Samford University that even though that uncertainty can be an uncomfortable place to be, it’s a great place for God to work in them.

“You’re at this really exciting, scary, maybe vulnerable time in your life, and you know God’s stirring in your heart to do ministry, but you don’t know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing,” he said. “You’re exactly where you need to be.”

Continue reading here.

This article was originally published at

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